5 edits with sound effects

 1. Music: In the first video of symbolism, I used the Avengers theme song, because the first part starts off with a group of fictional heroes then transitions to a group of local heroes.

2.Post Synchronization Dubbing: I added two different sounds of post synchronization that were not apart of the original video. In the first shot of me with the calculator, I added the sound of a clock ticking. I used this sound because math is a stressful subject and all I can hear when I take math quizzes or tests is a clock ticking and the rush to finish before the bell. The second part I used a boing sound because that was the closest thing I could find to match the sound of crossy road.

3.Non-Diegetic: In the first clip I used the sound of crickets, because the class was very quiet and boring. In the second clip I used the sound of children cheering because they were acting like children and you could see the joy on their face from acting like children. 

4.Post Synchronization Dubbing: I used the sound of a comedy bell for this scene because the girls were goofing around in the bathroom while the rest the team was practicing. Then, I used the splash sound to represent people jumping into the pool.

5.Diegetic: I did not add any sound to it, because there was already music in the clip.


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