movie opener brainstorming and research

Rise : There are many extreme close ups in this clip, followed by panning shots and fast zooms. The audience hears the upbeat music which creates a feeling of excitement only for that music to add tension to the situation as it's happening.

Dear Lover: The clip starts by the audience hearing upbeat music, followed by a romantic moment between both characters, a voice over is added which strengthens the connection between the audience and the characters. The ending leaves the audience wanting more.

Dare to Thrill: The intro begins with lots of action and music that does not really match what is happening in the film. However, as the video progresses the point and actions become confusing, I'm assuming they pulled over because they heard something in the trunk but it is unclear.

Always Watching: Built up suspense, was not completely sure what was happening like I think it was a therapy session, the editing in the end of switching from person to person really helped build suspense and drew the audience into the situation. 

White Coat:  The video opens with a series of rapid cuts that communicates the character’s confusion. This is a great way to grab the viewer's attention and the addition of sound and music adds to the effect.

The Blue Boar: This reminded me of the movie Tangled, and how the mother was oppressive. The closeup that only shows the moms mouth helps to focus on only the demands she is saying. The music and sound effects in this makes me think this is going to be a musical.

Stalker: There is tension built up throughout the opener, and the car thing didn't completely sense to me because she would have to unlock her car to get in and it was obviously locked so how did it get unlocked, where were the keys?

Summary: After looking through the student-produced videos I learned a lot about independent media. One of the biggest things that I noticed was how the mood and music were used to order to gain the audience's attention. Whether it was a few, quick sound effects or a song placed at the start of the video this is effective in capturing the audiences attention from the start. Also, for this to be an effective opener it needs to be logical.


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